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Our Christmas Tree Farm
Our Christmas tree farm is committed to providing a traditional family experience while choosing the perfect Christmas tree in a safe and entertaining environment. The Christmas tree is a symbol of the tree of life - Jesus, the Christ, who is God's greatest gift to all mankind. A live tree is a renewable resource making its use not only good environmental stewardship, but also allows families to create lifelong memories of important, holiday experiences.
We are closed for 2023. We sold out!
Many thanks for all of you who came to the farm this year. We wish you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Apiary On-site
Located at isolated points on the property are several bee hives that are active colonies and produce loads of honey each season. The video shows some of the features of the harvest. Worth the watch!
The Wilsons have a great place, we had a blast picking out our tree!
Amy Johnson
We have a large tree selection
Choose your own
We have several varieties growing on site and truck in others from other suppliers for the season.
We had fun picking a tree. Peaceful, easy, and friendly. It's an annual event for us now.
Mike Martin